Oy...... thanks for my good cry today! Well- it will start my week off thankful for what I have! Can't wait to see your video called "how I kicked cancer's ass!"
"My life changed that day" says it all, whether you're the person with the diagnosis or the loved one of a person who is diagnosed. Nothing will ever be the same. I thank God for all those who reach out and give ongoing love and support. Gail
OH MY....... wow! what else to say here.......gotta get more tissues!
Oy...... thanks for my good cry today! Well- it will start my week off thankful for what I have! Can't wait to see your video called "how I kicked cancer's ass!"
You are wonderful!
"My life changed that day" says it all, whether you're the person with the diagnosis or the loved one of a person who is diagnosed. Nothing will ever be the same. I thank God for all those who reach out and give ongoing love and support.
Julie, that was very moving ... still wiping the tears.
I hope you don't mind but I'd like to post this video on my blog in a few weeks.
All the best to you,
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